Dental Services
9:00am-5:00pm M Tu W
Thurs-non clinical day
9:00am-4pm Fri
Opening times may vary so please call for appointments
It is common for teeth to get darker over time. While we can't do anything about the inexorable progress of time, we can do something about darkening teeth. At the Adelaide Dental lounge we want you to feel good about yourself with a smile you can be proud of.
We offer custom fitted whitening trays which are made specifically for you and fit securely on your teeth to ensure an all over even whitening. We use this system of whitening, because we feel it gives a more reliable and longer lasting effect, with lower doses of whitening agent. Home whitening remains the most cost effective way of whitening your teeth.
We currently have 2 whitening systems, with the more expensive system for those who want to reach the upper limit of whitening theIr teeth are capable of.
Book an appointment to get your customised trays fabricated.