Adelaide Dental Lounge, Holistic and Restorative Dentistry
7 Adelaide Road, London NW3 3QE
0207 586 3553

Dental Services

Opening Times:

9:00am-5:00pm M Tu W
Thurs-non clinical day
9:00am-4pm Fri
Opening times may vary so please call for appointments

image of surgery

covid image




Your health and safety are our main priority and we want you to feel assured that when you come into our office you won’t be exposed to the Coronavirus or any other communicable illnesses. In addition to our current and standard infection control practices, our team will be implementing the following additional measures and screening procedures for both patients and the team members, to ensure your heath and safety.

All patients will be  screened by phone before their reserved appointment The current protocol is to screen patients by questions regarding their current health status, recent travel, contact and exposure to Covid-19.

Patients are encouraged to call ahead to reschedule their appointment if they develop fever or symptoms of COVID-19 on the day of their treatment.  There is a symptom check list at the end of this page. Patients are encouraged to wear a face mask if they have the sneezes from hayfever. You are also asked to take your used tissues with you.

Only 1 patient will be allowed in the waiting room at a time or a family of 2 people.

We ask that patients do not bring any outside food or drink or newspaper items into the practice

Your temperature will be taken prior to treatment

Between patients  our receptionist will complete a “disinfectant sweep” of items at reception which you may need to use. We cannot conceivably clean all the common parts down between patients, and so we ask you to please wash your hands once you have completed your session with us and to take care not to recontaminate your hands afterwards.

In the operatory

We have an air filtration system at work all day within the treatment room, which cleans all the air in the surgery every 7-10minutes.

We will be cleaning the dental unit in 3 cycles-- We will be instituting 3 levels of protecton and cleaning. 1stly greater  barriering, and 2 cycles of disinfection

Patients will be given a mouthwash to disinfect their mouth  prior to treatment.

The temperature of all team members will be taken at the  start  of the day.

Staff members will observe good hand hygiene throughout.

The team will also be equipped with the relevant PPE for their duties.

As much as we enjoy spending time with our patients during their dental visit, we ask that you  leave the practice as soon as your treatment session is over and to respect social distancing requirements by avoiding contact with others such as hand-shaking, touching or sharing non-treatment related items.


COVID-19 Symptom check list

* Fever
* Cough
* Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
* Loss of smell and taste
* Diarrhoea
* Nausea
* Fatigue